
Reference Library

Cost-Estimating and Pricing With Machine-Hour Rates by Spencer A. Tucker. How Cost-Estimating and Pricing is made equitable by the use of Machine-Hour Rate techniques.

Profit Planning Decisions With the Break-Even System by Spencer A. Tucker. This is a book that shows management how to obtain the most profit out of every pricing situation consistent with the best use of production facilities and available capital.

Pricing for Profitability: Activity-Based Pricing for Competitive Advantage by John L Daly When pricing a product, you have to get it right. Overpricing will lead to lost sales that would have been profitable at a lower price, while underpricing leads to sales that bring revenue without profit. Pricing for Profitability will help any company set prices that are both attractive to buyers and profitable for the company.

Cost and Effect by R.S. Kapalan and R. Cooper. Two of the most innovative thinkers in the field present a work that represents the single best resource for understanding and implementing activity-based cost management. Kaplan and Cooper reveal that most companies don't know how to measure accurately, influence, or understand the fundamental cost drivers in their businesses. They then provide a detailed and comprehensive blueprint that will enable managers to make better decisions and to promote organizational learning and improvement.

Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths, and Total Nonsense by Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton. An outstanding book written by two business and engineering Stanford professors. Analyzing modern management practices using surveys and studies, they debunk many of modern management practices.

Real World Print Production by Claudia McCue. Print production expert Claudia McCue takes on the challenge of putting ink to paper, offering clear, authoritative guidance to print professionals and anyone else who has been frustrated by the obstacles of getting electronic documents to print perfectly.

Fold: The Professional's Guide to Folding by Trish Witkowski If you do a lot of products that involve more than the typical tri-fold brochures, this reference tome is well worth it. In addition to folding diagrams it covers how to plan your design based on the folds, how to set up folding marks in your digital documents, paper basics that affect folding, and charts on press sheet sizes, envelope sizes, and more. This is a top choice for agencies and professional designers.

The Freedom Blueprint “The Ultimate Plan For Escaping Big Brother's Matrix And Creating Your Own World of Freedom And Wealth”
